• Multifamily 2019 Outlook

    In our research, we find that performance in the multifamily market remained healthy during 2018, despite high levels of new supply entering the market. We expect this trend to continue into 2019, but with more modest growth in comparison to recent year. More

  • The Major Challenge of Inadequate U.S. Housing Supply

    In the last 10 years, since the Great Recession, the economy has expanded greatly, but the housing market still has not recovered. Since 2011, residential housing construction has increased, but only gradually. More

  • Expect Modest Housing Market Growth in 2019

    As the year-end approaches, we look ahead to 2019 and what are likely to be the dominant economic trends in the new year. More

  • Economic Growth Slows in Third Quarter

    Rising rates coupled with increasing home prices have discouraged homebuying activity during the third quarter of 2018. More

  • New Research Shows Renters Continue to Find Affordability in Renting

    New research finds a large and growing segment of renters continue to believe renting is a more affordable option than owning, even as many of those same renters are feeling the squeeze of rising housing costs. More

  • LGBT Homeownership Rates Lag Behind General Population

    Members of the LGBT community are less likely to own a home, are more mobile, fear discrimination when buying a home, and prioritize living in LGBT-safe neighborhoods, says new research by Freddie Mac. More