Mark H. Bloom*

Global Chief Information Officer
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Kathleen L. Casey*

Senior Advisor
Patomak Global Partners

David Farbman


Aleem Gillani*

Retired Chief Financial Officer
SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Brandon Hamara

Vice President, Land Acquisition
Tri Pointe Homes

Grace A. Huebscher*

Retired President
Capital One Multifamily Finance, LLC

Mike Hutchins

President and Interim Chief Executive Officer

Clinton Jones

General Counsel
U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency

Ralph “Cody” Kittle

RenWave Kore

William J. Pulte

Chair, Freddie Mac, Director
U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency

*The Non-Employee Directors have determined that these Directors are independent under the criteria set forth in Freddie Mac's Corporate Governance Guidelines.