• 55+ers Poised to Have Significant Impact on Housing Market

    With 55+ homeowners controlling almost two-thirds or $8 trillion of the nation's home equity, the housing decisions they make in the coming years will significantly reshape... More

  • How to Worry About House Prices

    Decades from now, scholars will still be debating the causes of the Great Recession of the mid-2000's, but it's generally agreed that the collapse of the housing sector was at... More

  • Low mortgage rates keep housing on track

    Housing remains on track for the best year in a decade despite tepid economic growth and a labor market that's throttling back. Low mortgage interest rates are supporting... More

  • Life's a Beach

    So you've always dreamed of living at the beach, but you're discouraged by the high price of beachfront property? Not to worry. We've found just the place for you. More

  • Economic outlook darkens, but housing remains bright spot

    Recent data darkened the growth outlook for the first quarter of 2016. However, despite the disappointing economic reports, we still forecast housing to maintain its momentum in 2016. More

  • Housing will have its best year in a decade

    This year is shaping up to be the best year for housing in a decade Home sales, construction housing starts and house prices are set to reach decade-level highs. More