If you are a homeowner whose home or place of employment has been impacted by a natural disaster and your mortgage is owned by Freddie Mac, contact your mortgage company right away to discuss your mortgage relief options.

In Major Disaster Areas, including those impacted by recent hurricanes and wildfires, where federal Individual Assistance programs have been extended, your mortgage company is authorized to:

  • Suspend mortgage payments for up to 12 months.
  • Waive assessments of penalties or late fees.

Homeowners suffering from hardships unrelated to these recent disasters may be eligible for Freddie Mac's standard relief options such as suspending mortgage payments or a mortgage modification. It's important to contact your mortgage company as soon as possible to discuss your situation and explore your options.

Whether you've been impacted by the recent hurricanes or wildfires be sure to check out our disaster relief and mortgage assistance FAQ.

Mortgage Help for Homeowners

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have come together to get the word out about mortgage relief options for those affected by the recent natural disasters.